Monday, September 6, 2010

Cover Letter For Clothes Shop

Mein Kichererbsen Kürbis Curry (Indisch)

pumpkin chickpea curry recipe (Indian)

1 tablespoon vegetable oil (rapeseed oil) 3 tablespoons Garam Masala

1 (I made last time Hokkaido) EL Kreuzkümmelsammen
1 onion, chopped
about 1 kg pumpkin, diced 250 ml vegetable stock

3 carrots thinly sliced
5 tomatoes, diced
drained 1 bunch green onions
1 can (400 g) chickpeas,
juice 1 lime (lemon is also half)
1 handful mint

The Ö l in a pan and sauté onion, and curry Karamom few minutes.
Then add the pumpkin pieces and stir.
with vegetable broth and coconut milk to a boil and pour.
the chickpeas, carrots, tomatoes, spring onions and let the whole thing over medium heat for about 10 minutes until the squash is soft. Finally
Add the lime juice. Garnish
from short serving with mint.